Enhanced Biological Nutrients Removal in Modified Step-feed Anaerobic/Anoxic/Oxic Process
关键词:nutrients removal, nitrogen, phosphorus, anaerobic... 发表时间:2014-10-14
Effects of Arsenate and Nitrogen Fertil izers on Soil CO2 and N2O Emissions Under Anaerobic Incubation
关键词:so il, anaerobic incubation, arsenate, carbon diox... 发表时间:1998-09-01
The formation and characteristics of aerobic granules in sequencing batch reactor (SBR) by seeding anaerobic granules
关键词:aerobic granules;granulation;anaerobic granule;mic... 发表时间:2014-10-14
Bioaugmentation as a tool to enhance the removal of refractory compound in coke plant wastewater
关键词:bioaugmentation;coke plant wastewater;quinoline;re... 发表时间:2014-10-14
Implementing Both Domestic Wastewater Reuse and Sludge Reduction by a Combination of Anaerobic Phase and Membrane bioreactor
关键词:anaerobic phase, MBR, sludge reduction, wastewater... 发表时间:2005-03-01
A Study on Characteristics of Two acid-tolerant Methanogenic
关键词:acid condition, lower pH, granular sludge, anaerob... 发表时间:2008-01-01
A Pilot Scale Study on the Treatment of Sanitary Landfill Le
关键词:landfill leachate hybrid anaerobic reactor a/o sub... 发表时间:2007-01-01
Study on Treatment of Fiberboard Wastewater with Solidified
关键词:refractory organic wastewater solidified bacterial... 发表时间:2006-01-01
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